The show “The Train Driver” by Athol Fugard is talking about a restless train driver killed a woman and a child by a train accident that he could not prevent, which make him feel guilty and anguish. When he met a stranger who called Simon in South Africa. Simon tried to help him walk out from the sad mood, but one day midnight the driver suicide by digging a cemetery and jumped into it. Finally, he didn’t get out from the shade of that accident and choose to die. The setting of the show is in a cemetery which makes the driver think of the woman and children and feels more evil with it. The Black people who called Simon in the show is a kind and friendly person. He would like to share his room and food with the driver and he is helpful. A train driver is a person with strong responsibilities to his job and behaviours, so he feels guilty with that accident, although it’s not really his false. The actor’s vivid acting make audiences feel pity to the driver.The beginning and ending of the show which is Simon’s monolog make the show have good start and end.
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